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You scored as Neo, the "One". Neo is the computer hacker-turned-Messiah of the Matrix. He leads a small group of human rebels against the technology that controls them. Neo doubts his ability to lead but doesn't want to disappoint his friends. His goal is for a world where all men know the Truth and are free from the bonds of the Matrix.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with QuizFarm.com |
[Thanks to Captive Bead for finding this one! :) ]
Hi, Scrappy! :)
It's a little frustrating. I'm not very good at defending my views. But I'm rather used to it.
Most of my friends in college were Democrats. I kindof tuned it out. When I tried to argue, I just found out that I didn't remember enough of the facts in order to argue. [I'd remember "C", but not the parts "A is true. If A then B. If B then C." But I'd remember I had good reasons for believing C!]
I pretty much avoid confrontation in that area, and understand that we're all trying to do the best thing we can for the country, but we all have differing opinions on what the best thing is!
I've recently been working in a few companies that have mostly Conservatives employed. It's not because that's all they employ, but rather it worked out that way. It's been kindof nice to be able to talk about politics again!
Anyway, thank you for your nice comment, Scrappy Rose. :) I hope your Holiday has been and is being an awesome one! :)
Seems I'm the Lara Croft type. Thus far I've avoided seeing/playing Tomb Raider so I don't know if that's a good and/or "accurate" quiz result.
Guess it's movie rental time.
You Tomb Raider, you. :)
It's a good movie, you'll enjoy it. :)
Darth Vader is awesome, true true. But to make things interesting, how would Darth Vader fare against Yoda?
Uhm, I haven't ever considered little green dude and tall black dude fighting each other.
Hey, who wants to start our own "Justice League"? ;)
How do you suppose super hero's make enough money to stay in business, anyway? And how the heck would they be able to purchase the Justice League building?? What, did poor Batman (a millionaire in real life) have to foot the bill for the building and also pay everyone's salaries so they could afford to be superhero's 24/7? Batman's Bat-cave must have no longer gotten any upkeep at all!
Maybe Superman through that green crystal into the ground, and it created the Justice League's "Hall of Justice"... at least that would have saved on construction costs. ;) Oooh... I bet the construction union was pissed, though. ;)
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