You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
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Blogging and changing poopy diapers at the speed of light.
but of course, you're a diver =)
i will have to try this quiz...hope all is swell with you snoop...
ha! my soul comes from the ocean as well...no surprise there =)
Hi Sith...found this out..and didn't know this was the case! I guess you now know that I'm a PC user. Have a great week!
Picasa isn't currently available for Mac OS. Right now we're putting all of our energy into making Picasa the best program we can. We realize that a lot of digital photographers would like us to offer a Mac version, and we may consider this option in the future.
Is it just me or does this quiz seem oriented more toward persons of a female nature? I took it but I gotta say I'm not used to being that deeply in touch with my inner... um. Female.
Apparently she comes from the night sky.
What, dragons, unicorns, and horses aren't manly enough for yah? ;)
Well, hmm. Dogs certainly weren't among the choices. And that might be more of a male sortof thing.
[Of course, my husband and I have German Shepherds, so if dogs had been one of the choices, I would have picked it, so...]
Yeah, maybe more female oriented. :)
Mostly it was the Looks questions; I couldn't see how they applied to ordinary manly men.
Actually, I do live on the coast!
Like maybe 2 miles, if I chose to walk.
And although I haven't done alot of it recently, I like to surf and scuba dive. And I used to ocean kayak... but with the advent of surfing and scuba, I made the transition of wanting to be in the water and wet instead of on top of the water and dry!
Hey my soul also apparently originated in the Ocean. Interesting.
RaJ: "ordinary manly men" there's something wrong with that phrase :p
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